Friday, July 30, 2004

In need of guidance

Is that sweet or what? Getting an apparent bump from the DNC, the RX-8 has propelled itself into frontrunner status on my list of cars I'd be willing to purchase (anyone catch that reference?). I'm thinking if I go that route, red would be the optimal color. Man - that would be sweet. Can you see me in it? I put a digital Darron in the driver's seat to better help you visualize it.

Fortunately, I have my wits about me. I'm looking at three different dealers. On Tuesday I'm taking a stick shift driving lesson ($60 an hour!) so that I can expand my car buying options. I'll find out about what kind of a loan my Redwood City teachers credit union can offer me next Thursday. I'm not completely sold on the RX-8 yet, but getting pretty darn close.


At 7/31/2004 1:06 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are you sure you want to go with red? Although it's a lovely color, and I know you're probably used to it after driving Lady for so long....keep in mind that the RX-8 has a little more get up and go than your 20 year old Camaro. So even Mr. Sweet and Innocent himself may unwittingly be prone to neglecting the posted speed limits - and nothing says "Hey Mr. Officer - Look at me!!!" more than a bright red RX-8 whizzing by... Just a thought.


At 8/02/2004 9:11 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

and definitely don't go with yellow either, it says the same thing as red!!!!!!!!!! You know D that blue is a great color on you, matches your eyes. I think blue would be a good choice. Also, I have to say that I love the digital pic you put on the car, its soooooo you! Big Sis

At 8/02/2004 9:18 AM , Blogger prez said...

Thanks, Shari, for your comments! I like the blue version of the MX-8, but I don't think it's dark enough. I'd prefer a darker blue - the bright blue (which Mazda calls "winning blue") makes the car look too toyish to me.


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