Wednesday, July 14, 2004

A labor of love

I've prettied up the Mark and Darron Show page and added the screen captures.

My next idea is to have a guestbook of sorts where people can write about their favorite The Mark and Darron Show memory. I'm sure I'll get right on that.

So go here.

While I'm at it, does anybody have advice for buying a new car? Add your comments! I need one, and since Mark's car was stolen, he needs one, too.


At 7/14/2004 12:13 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're updating your blog at 1:30am and you call ME sleep deprived?? :P Ask Mark about car recommendations, I already gave him a few...

Just a side note: It's funny that the screenshot your fan sent in of the "winners of the IM contest" Yahoo! page had a grammatical typo. Yahoo! has since fixed it... but still ironic seeing how you both are teachers.


At 7/14/2004 4:08 PM , Blogger Alison said...

lol whats up with all those people that sent in half naked porn pose photos? I dunno kinda ehh...To be honest I found the photos sorta disturbing that all these women took underwear shots and sent em to you guys whom im guessing they only knew you through the contest? I mean I'd feel differently about it, had these people not been basically strangers but hey judge ye not be judged right? No offense to anybody i just found it kinda sleazy to send half naked pics to people you don't really know lol but hey thats just my opinion.


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