Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Independence Day

A happy Independence Day to you all...

North Korea seems to have misunderstood our little tradition of setting off fireworks to celebrate the 4th and, in a classic case of hyperbole, shot off several missiles into the Sea of Japan. Nice try, guys.

Today, I declare myself independent from the refuse of the last 6 years that has explicably gathered itself into several piles in my little duplex. After working hard for the last three days to clean and get rid of things I don't need (Pam had to work, so I had nothing else to do!), my place may not be "rightsized" just yet, but it's well on the way.

To celebrate, I bbq'ed. Gluttony prevailed as I downed 3 small ribeye steaks and 5 lamb chops, all deliciously grilled on my front porch, and I now pay the price as it hurts to sit here and type, bending at the middle as is necessary from the sitting position when my middle is full of bbq goodness.

Addendum from 6:00 the next morning: I never want to eat again.


At 7/05/2006 5:28 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

UGH - I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU ATE THE WHOLE THING! How many bottles of Pepto Bismol did you scarf down once you were done? And no leftovers for Pam? Speaking of Pam, what medical school has she decided to attend? Inquiring minds want to know! And where is Mark's sarcastic reply to your blog - has his life been snuffed out by a prez2012 fan?

At 7/05/2006 10:44 PM , Blogger Mark said...

How quickly am I supposed to reply? I do have a life outside Darron, you know.

It just isn't as good as my life inside Darron.


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