Saturday, August 27, 2005

An International Forum for Peace and Understanding

Well, prez2012 has truly become an international forum, uniting (in a virtual, cyber sense) the people of Japan with the people of the United States. Or, more specifically, Pam's parents and my mom. A veritable flurry of commentary followed my last blog - a whopping 8 comments! Apparently, having Pam as a guest blogger really boosts my viewership. Perhaps I should do it again...

So let's talk web stats. My web host provides detailed statistics about the users who visit my web site, like how long they stay on the site, what operating system they use, etc. So here's some interesting stats from August:

* 86% of visits to prez2012 were for between 0 and 30 seconds. That's a bit embarrassing. And yes, Mark, I know what you're thinking.

* My blog is by far my most viewed page.

* 71% of visitors are on a computer using Windows. 15% have a Mac.

* 53% of visitors are using Internet Explorer. 18% use Netscape. 11% use Safari. I use Safari, so it's encouraging to know that about 70% of the visits to my site were not caused by me.

What lures strangers here? The answer is not what you would think, or what I would hope. No, instead of the American people searching for leadership and integrity in these uninspiring times and stumbling upon the beacon of hope that is, most people come here looking for Ashley Judd or Mr. Clean.

Here are the top 10 search phrases people used on popular search engines that led them to my site:

1. ashley judd - Why? Click here.
2. mr clean - Why? Click here.
3. mr. clean
4. macabuhay - Why? Click here.
5. manasseworld - Have you seen Mark's site lately. It's been updated...
6. bloods - Why? I dunno. I can't really explain that one.
7. ashley judd pictures
8. mr.clean
9. treatment swollen uvula - Why? Click here, here, and here.
10. batman symbol - Why? Click here.

The list of top keywords (rather than phrases) used on search engines to get to prez2012 includes the following gems: ball, dunk, fingers, twins, conjoined, women, mustangs, free, peed, texas, diagnosis, fury, and vagina.

How heartening.

For those who listened all the way through the 3 audioblogs in the last post and are anxiously awaiting your prize, here it is. You win a silver.


At 8/27/2005 3:31 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bring on the Silver...bring on the silver...yeah!

The H.

At 8/27/2005 3:39 PM , Blogger Mark said...

Didn't I send you that York PP link? I dont remember.

Anyway, this was a very interesting blog to me. Since Manasseworld has been steadily gaining on Prez2012 in the "hits" game, I was interested to see why people sill bothered even coming to your inferior site. And now I know...and knowing is half the battle:

At 8/28/2005 2:32 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi, Darron

Thanks for the YorkPattie prize. What generic Mac application can I use for opening up a .wmv file? QuickTime player doesn't do it, and neither does iTunes.

Pam's dad

At 8/28/2005 6:30 PM , Blogger prez said...

You can play a .wmv file using the mac version of Windows Media Player found at:

At 8/29/2005 3:12 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi again, Darron

Microsoft????!!!! No wonder I didn't recognize the suffix!

OK, thanks -- (gulp!) -- I guess . . .



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