Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Would I meet with Cindy Sheehan?

This blog is titled "So I Wanna Be the President." A critique I've received from some casual readers is that I don't have much on here about actually wanting to be president. For example, I don't really explain why I want to be president. I also don't have here any of my positions on any major issues (my dislike for Japanese food is not a major issue, apparently).

Well, ok. Good point.

Since I aspire to be the President of the United States, perhaps it is prudent to weigh in more on the issues of the day. Fair enough.

So, does anyone else think Bush ought to just meet with Cindy Sheehan? Her son was killed in Iraq and she's camping outside of Bush's ranch in Crawford until she gets a private audience with him. So far he's said no. He's had top aides meet with her, but he refuses to meet with her, and so what might have been a rather small, inconsequential story, is now making national headlines and it continues to build up steam.

Of course, if you're the president, you can't just meet with EVERYBODY who calls for a private audience with you. Maybe that's what he's worried about, that if he meets with her it will encourage other people to do the same thing.

But Cindy is not just some crackpot off the street. She's an American who has suffered a great sacrifice for her country. If it were me, I'd go ahead and meet with her, listen to her, talk with her. There's a lot of reasons for Bush to do it: his approval ratings are low, Cindy's frustrations resonate with a lot of Americans, and the story's just getting bigger and bigger. But it's also just a good, honest thing to do.


At 8/11/2005 7:28 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nicely said Darron - you've got my vote!

At 8/12/2005 2:38 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you do actually become the POTUS, I wonder if you'll be the first one with a weblog which was started prior to becoming POTUS?

At 8/22/2005 9:10 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

What the heck is a POTUS??

At 8/23/2005 11:02 AM , Blogger prez said...

POTUS is President of the United States.

At 8/28/2005 8:12 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks D for clearing that up! :)


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