Monday, July 18, 2005

Ant Terrorism: Part 2

Pursuant to my previous blog (The Long and Winding Blog, below), I came home yesterday evening to find that in my nearly four days of absence, the ants had done an admirably efficient job of killing themselves. The once long and crowded ant super highways that led to the four ant baits had become trickling streams with just a few stragglers.

Strangely, my bathtub was full of about 100 dead ants. How they got in there or why is beyond my comprehension. Even more perplexing and head-scratching-causing was what I discovered in my toilet (unusual, eh?). A group of about six ants were clinging to each other, floating and miraculously still alive, in a shape that can best be described as a square, much like you'd imagine a group of sky divers doing, arms (in this case, legs) linked.

I wish I had taken a picture. Truly remarkable. For a moment, I pondered the idea of saving them. Surely, with their survival instincts and guts, they were special ants. Somehow they'd fallen in the toilet, one by one, survived, found each other, and created a living ant raft.

I didn't ponder for long. I flushed them. But this gives further evidence to support the belief that my house is infested with no ordinary ants. They seem rather intellligent - but I want them all to stay outside just the same.


At 7/19/2005 12:02 AM , Blogger Mark said...

Sure those were ants in your toilet?

At 7/19/2005 7:58 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Careful, they might come back with a vengeance to dine on you in your sleep!

At 7/24/2005 1:01 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've got the same seasonal problem with ants at my house. I've sprayed them, nuked them with foggers, had exterminators nuke them with industrial strength foggers, squashed them, baited them, dehydrated them, and vacuumed them. They still came back. But then I discovered the miracle that is Distilled White Vinegar. The problem with all the "ant-killers" is that by the time you have to use them, it's too late - the ants are already in your house.
Solution: Just put distilled white vinegar in a spray bottle and spray all the areas ants can enter your home - doorways, baseboards, cabinets, etc. (it doesn't smell when it dries and hasn't damaged any paint/woodwork in my house.) So far, no more ants anywhere in my house all summer. *happy dance*


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