Monday, July 25, 2005

Can you spare a minute for this blog?

I went to Trader Joe's today to pick up some groceries. I've been meaning to do that for some time now - Safeway is closer, probably cheaper in most ways, but as you may know Trader Joe's has a lot of different foods. Plus cheap wine.

I observed something quite interesting: there are a lot of women who have no jobs.

At least, that's what I assume. If they had a job, why are they at Trader Joe's on an early Monday afternoon? Whatever happened to women's lib?

Because I work in a female dominated profession, I'm used to being the only guy in the room at trainings, meetings, and such. Even so, I very quickly noticed that I was in a sea of estrogen as I strolled up and down the aisles looking for granola.

On my way out, I was approached by an overly eager young woman wearing some environment-themed t-shirt with a petition in her hands. "Can you spare a minute for the environment?" she smiled sweetly, thinking that her line would almost certainly play on the guilt of the usually more liberal minded Trader Joe's shopper. "No, I can't," I said unsmilingly back at her, wiping the grin off of her face, annoyed by the wording of the question. But I'm complaining too much.


At 12/19/2005 11:17 AM , Blogger Nancy said...

Hey Prez...I have a bone to pick with you! Just cuz a woman is shopping in the afternoon doesn't mean she doesn't have a job! Some of us are pressed for time and have to shop during our lunch hour or breaks. Take it easy, huh?


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