Friday, August 05, 2005

Third Edition

Seriously. At least I don't have to typeset the individual letters like they did back in the old days.

But it's worth it. A school newspaper really has a lot of benefits - most importantly, kids actually read it. It might be the only thing they're motivated to read - ever. It's an effective way to give students a voice either through actually writing the articles or writing letters to the editor in response.

It's ALMOST 4 in the morning.
I ALMOST want to scream.
I'm ALMOST done.

Why am I blogging?


At 8/05/2005 11:55 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lets see 4am I was still working on the Fwy. Could be worse Darron!

At 8/06/2005 10:03 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

How about next year, have a weekly newspaper, but choose 7 writers a week, you could even have all of them turn it in Thurs. but choose 7 submissions that make it to print. Or, choose a third of the class to be writers for the paper and the others could have other jobs.


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