Wednesday, August 24, 2005


On Jeopardy, when it's a category that's kinda random and not so cohesive, they call it Potpourri. Hence the title of this blog.

A few things:

* School starts on Monday. Training starts tomorrow. My summer is nearly over.

* Pete Wilson, a local talk radio host on KGO AM 810, mentioned a story yesterday afternoon about Timken High School in Canton, Ohio, where a whopping 65 out of 490 girls at the school are pregnant. With a little searching, I found the school's web site, interested to see if they had any information about the story, but instead I noticed that their mascot, hilariously enough, is the Trojan. So I emailed Pete about it. After about half an hour, after a commercial break, he comes on the air and says, "Remember that story I mentioned earlier about Timken High School? Darron from Redwood City emails me, and I have no idea if this is true or not because I haven't checked it, but I'll take Darron for his word, Darron writes, 'No joke - Timken High School's mascot is the Trojan.' Well, it must be a leaky one." So my name was heard by millions yesterday on the radio in a story associated with the impregnation of high school girls. Woo hoo!

* I bought an iPod shuffle. It's like an iPod, only much smaller, just about the size of a few sticks of gum. I used it for the first time yesterday at the gym. Something about music makes the workout go by so much faster and so much easier. At my gym, the local YMCA, there is no music playing. Somehow, listening to Carrie Underwood sing "Independence Day" makes bench pressing 100 pounds a little easier (though not much, actually).


At 8/24/2005 11:10 PM , Blogger Mark said...

This begs the question: Would you listen to Carrie Underwood bench press 100 lbs while you sang "Independence Day?"

Well...would you?!?!!?

At 8/25/2005 11:33 PM , Blogger prez said...

Yes, yes I would, Mark.


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