Monday, August 04, 2008

Potpourri #5

* I hit the 2,000 mile mark on my bike today. It's only been about 5 months since I hit 1,000. Not too shabby. I had been harboring a dream of riding my bike up to the Bay Area and back this summer, since I was actually taking the summer off, but Mark didn't have the same weeks off so, obviously, I couldn't do it.

* Some things that are obvious to me but apparently not to everyone:
1. Sorry China, but Taiwan is a country.
2. Creating Israel right *there* was not a very good idea.
3. People who voted for President Bush in 2004 are really, really ignorant.

* Today is my last day of summer vacation. The coming school year means I will be teaching a new grade (now giving me experience in grades 5 through 8) and making substantial progress towards an administrative credential so that Mr. Evans can become a principal. I think he'd be pretty good at it, but we'll see.

* Power Bars and Gu gels do not taste very good, but when you've been riding 50 miles in the heat and your legs are starting to complain, they are absolutely delicious. Funny how that happens.

* This is my 252nd blog. I'm still way ahead of Menace World.


At 8/05/2008 12:01 PM , Blogger Mark said...

I am gaining...FAST...and menace-like.

By the way...the new google suggestion when searching for "Manasseworld" is

"Did you mean Moneyworld?"

At 8/10/2008 10:01 AM , Blogger jose luis said...

Don't forget to keep on riding. Next Sunday is the Tour de Napa Valley Century!


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