Saturday, December 29, 2007

Japanese Pic Preview

Faster than a speeding bullet, it's me. This is the aforementioned bullet train, the shinkansen, that took us from Tokyo to Kyoto.

This is Ginza, the most upscale district of Tokyo, where the rich and the wannabe rich dress fashionably and can buy $10 cups of coffee. So, naturally, we went there. This is one of my favorite pictures - it gives a hint at what big city Tokyo is like. Lots of people, lots of action - my kind of town! (snark)

Japan is full of fun English translations, including this gem of a sign outside a restaurant in Ginza.

I mentioned earlier that we were going to visit a parasite museum, and we did! We went to the Meguro Parasite Museum, the only parasite museum in the world (surprised?). The star of the museum is this tapeworm, measuring 8.8 meters long. It was taken from a man who ate some trout sushi and got a little surprise. He noticed one day that there was something not quite right coming out of his, uhhh, nether regions. He went to the doctor, took some medicine, and out came the rest. How nice that he didn't just flush in disgust. His loss is our gain.


At 12/30/2007 11:36 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't they have a tapeworm like that in the museum by Knotts Berry Farm, Ripley's Believe it or Not? Maybe its not as long tho..... EW!!


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