Thursday, September 20, 2007

Detective Evans

So if this teaching gig doesn't work out, I could always be a cop.

As the saying goes, where there's smoke, there's fire. There's A LOT of smoke in one of my classes. I just haven't found exactly where the fire is at - yet.

One of the things I tell my students on the first day of school is that I always find out everything they do wrong - maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but eventually. I aim to keep my word as the investigation into who vandalized my car enters its third day of intense drama.

I quashed the story for the first two days this week, wanting to give the guilty party or parties some breathing room. I wanted them to think that nothing was going to happen, let them feel comfortable, maybe brag to a few of their buddies. Simultaneously, I was parking away from campus. I didn't want anyone to see the damage to my car. I wanted only the guilty party and their friends to know about it.

On Wednesday, the investigation was launched. One by one, students were pulled from my class and asked a very simple, open ended question: What do you know about Mr. Evans's car? The question was a loaded trap. Innocent kids would say something like "What do you mean?" or "Well, I know it's silver" with a quizzical look on their faces. The guilty ones would say "I heard it got scratched" or "I didn't do nothing!"

The question did its job. Only one kid mentioned the scratches, and he was my prime suspect anyway (the F.S. from the previous blog). When our dean asked him how he knew about the scratches, he said he had seen my car in the parking lot that morning. Of course, my car was a couple streets away, not in the parking lot. When confronted with that fact, he changed his story to say actually now he remembered he had seen it on Monday on the street.

Another kid, who is now Suspect #2, when asked the same question blurted out, "I don't know nothing about the scr-... I don't know nothing about his car."

Today, I had my kids write down what they had heard or what they knew about my car. Kids said they had heard my car was scratched AND TAGGED. Nobody had ever mentioned my car was tagged - that's a detail only the guilty parties would know. Also, kids gave me three names over and over again, two of whom were the kids mentioned above. One girl wrote that she had overheard one of the suspects talking to another suspect yesterday during math class. Suspect #2, pretending to sharpen his pencil, told Suspect #3 under his breath, "I'm not gonna pay for Mr. Evans's car."

Now, if you were the principal, what would you do?

A) Call those boys in, ask them some softball questions, conclude there's not enough evidence to do anything and admit defeat, telling your victimized teacher (in this case, me) that he has to be ok with the possibility of never knowing who did it.
B) Call the police right away and get an officer to come to school. Have the officer come to the teacher's classroom and, in dramatic fashion, call those boys out. Get that officer to interrogate those boys and find out the truth. Have them come in one by one and tell them their "friends" ratted on them and let them all tattletale on each other until the truth is out.

I can guess which one you chose. Now guess which one my principal chose.


At 9/20/2007 11:04 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I vote for box B

At 9/21/2007 7:43 PM , Blogger Mark said...

Can I pretend I am a ploiceman and come question them?!?!?!?!

At 9/21/2007 8:24 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mark, you are too nice to be the policeman. :) Let's get PA to do it!! I am so sorry Darron, WHY CAN'T YOU CALL THE COPS AND HAVE THEM COME IN? ITS YOUR CAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Keep us posted, this is getting good! And by the way, does anyone you work with or any of your students aware of this blog? It could get you in trouble...

Big Sis

At 9/22/2007 8:25 AM , Blogger prez said...

I would love to have Mark dress up as a policeman and interrogate the kids, but I'm worried that he'd become confused and start doing a striptease.

At 9/22/2007 9:30 AM , Blogger Mark said...

Nothing would get someone to tell the truth faster than watching me take my clothes off!

At 9/24/2007 10:32 AM , Blogger Tauni said...

Nothing teaches kids about the consequences of their actions like inaction.

At 9/24/2007 1:24 PM , Blogger Prior Family said...

Your principal has issues. Either you do something about it, or the kid/kids never learn that they need to accept responsibility for their actions.

I don't know about Mark and the striptease. Some of the kids might like it.

At 9/26/2007 9:43 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...


This is an outrage. Your principle is an idiot.

Mike says you should contact your union representative.

If this is the way your administration is going to handle situations such as these it is of our opinion even though we know you are not a quitter.... Now is a better time than any to make an exit. You do not need or deserve this in your life.

Get out of this hell hole and fast!!


Aunt Linda

At 10/16/2007 5:44 PM , Blogger Maccerz said...

You should introduce your kids to the Tossed Salad guy.


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