So, I was right.
Suspect #1 was turned in today... by HIS BROTHER! That, admittedly, I didn't see coming.
Interestingly, however, he continued to deny it. I can't say I'm super surprised by the denial. He had already told us he didn't do it. So when surrounded by me, the principal, the dean of students, and his mother, he was backed into a corner. I've seen this from him before. For example, last week he turned off the lights in the bathroom during our bathroom break. I asked the boys who turned the lights out. Several boys said it was him. Even one of his best friends said it was him. But he continued to say it wasn't, with a mischievous smile on his face. The same smile he had on his face when he said it wasn't him who wrote "F**K MR. EVANS" on his tablemate's progress report even though the writing looked just like his and he tried to erase it later. The same smile he had on his face when I sent him to the office for calling me a "pinche pendejo" in class.
Today, however, there was no smile on his face, only tears as he vehemently denied any culpability, claiming his little brother was only trying to get back at him for not letting him watch TV. Mom, meanwhile, goes off on how this boy, Suspect #1, is the saint of the family, the champion, the one with all the smarts, the one whom they've invested all hope in, and she believes him, not his lying little brother (her words, not mine).
But get this... that's not even the most shocking part.
As we're having this conversation, my principal states OVER AND OVER AGAIN that, while the decision regarding whether or not he gets to stay at our school is up to her (she ultimately decided to disenroll him, not expel him), the decision to pursue criminal charges is solely up to me. This prompts mom to go on some incoherent tirade about how her husband can take some gasoline and rub out the scratches and (motioning with her hand as if she has an invisible paint brush) just paint right over it. My principal continues to say over and over again, "It's up to Mr. Evans to pursue the matter further with the police or not."
I was astounded. Even if it is up to me, do we have to lay it all on my shoulders in front of the kid and his mom? And why should it be up to me anyway? We have knowledge that one of our students committed a crime - but we're not going to call the police?!? It's up to ME?!? AND he's lying about it to all of our faces. So guess what lesson Suspect #1 learns from that.
It would appear that, after further investigation, my school is not going to pursue charges, thus actually leaving it up to me whether or not the legal case moves forward. If I do nothing, he simply changes schools and goes on with his life. He's committed a crime, lied about it, and is told to leave schools. No expulsion, nothing on his record. The damages, I've found out, will be covered by my school's insurance, so no harm to me.
But if I do decide to press charges with the police, then that sets a whole other set of wheels in motion with consequences I am not yet clear on. Would he go to juvenile hall? Would his family receive extra support services? I'm going to inquire and find out, but I don't know yet.
So what do I do? If you were me, what would YOU do?
And, in case you're wondering, no, I didn't tell my principal "I told you so" - but I sure wanted to.