Sunday, November 05, 2006

It's official - I'm smart

You may recall my attempt(s) to join Mensa, the self-proclaimed "High IQ Society."

I received an envelope in the mail sometime last week (I just now got to it today; you know how I am about paper mail). Upon looking at it and seeing the Mensa return address, I had a brief flashback to my high school days when I was anxiously awaiting word from the universities I had applied to. A thick envelope, I recalled, was good news, because it would likely contain a letter of acceptance and the proper papers needed for accepting admission. A thin envelope, however, did not bode well, as it likely contained a terse rejection letter and nothing else.

This envelope was a little poofy, but not outrageously so. I opened it, fully expecting to see the words "You dumb!" in the letter's first line, but instead it said, "CONGRATULATIONS! Your Mensa Admissions testing has been scored and, based on your percentile rank, you qualify for admission to Mensa."

I guess I feel pretty good about it. It's interesting, something different. I'll likely join - it's not terribly expensive to be a member ($69 for one year, $157 for three years, $247 for five years, or $1,255 for a lifetime membership).

It reminds me of Who's Who Among American High School Students. Remember those? They'd send you a letter trying to make you feel all special, saying that you were selected to appear. But really, as I see it now, it was just a big money maker for them. You'd get your little tiny blurb in there and they'd get your proud mom's $70 for a bound leather copy with gold leafing. I got "nominated" for Who's Who Among America's Teachers this year, but I think it's all a big money making sham.

I hope Mensa is not the same way. More than 1,000 people nationwide took the admissions test on the same day I did - that's a lot of potential cash. The letter I received didn't even tell me what my scores were, only that they were good enough for membership - at a price.


At 11/05/2006 10:40 PM , Blogger Mark said...

I just spent 12.5 hours grading today. My head hurts. My brain hurts. My everything hurts.

AND I now find that I am also not a member of Mensa while you are! Could this day get any worse?

Darron, please tell me you arent pregnant! wasn't me.

At 11/07/2006 4:54 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

So what are the perks of being a member of Mensa?

At 11/07/2006 6:41 AM , Blogger prez said...

Perks... perks? Well, there's this list of benefits and services. They have lots of events which, in their own words, give me the opportunity to hang out with people who will understand my jokes.

Ummm... mostly I just want to carry a card in my wallet that says I'm a member.

At 11/07/2006 12:27 PM , Blogger Nancy said...

Congrats, Darron. Are you going to shell out the big bucks for a lifetime membership?

At 11/08/2006 12:32 AM , Blogger Mark said...

I've started my own elitist society called "Marksa." Much like a gang, you are beaten to get in. Then, like with a gang, you have to rob a store and at least commit petty crimes on a daily basis. Also, like with a get a nickname like "G" or "Rutherford."

I guess I pretty much started a gang.

At 11/08/2006 12:48 AM , Blogger prez said...

How can I join Marksa, given that I'm 500 miles away?

At 11/08/2006 6:33 AM , Blogger Mark said...

I must beat you...then your nickname will be "Kathleen"


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