Friday, October 20, 2006

Because he likes me

A year and four months ago, A., M., O., and E. stepped out of my classroom for the last time as 5th graders. They were moving on to middle school. All four of them were genuinely sweet, nice boys. One of them was academically not too shabby. Another had a lot of room for improvement, but he had a foundation to build upon. The other two were newcomers. One had arrived from Mexico in December, the other from Guatemala in March. Their literacy skills even in Spanish were really, really low, so learning English was a slow, painful, arduous process for both of them. They hadn't made much progress. But, again, they were all nice kids, their futures full of challenges but also promise.

A year and four months later, they were all sitting in our director's office, tears streaming down their faces and the faces of their parents, as they were interrogated by sheriff's deputies for vandalizing eight teachers' cars, causing thousands of dollars in damage. The consequences so far? Five days of out of school suspension and a date in juvenile court where the judge will be asked to award compensation to the teachers involved.

In his written statement, M. admitted scratching my car. He wrote that he knew it was my car, scratching it with the metal end of his pencil, but because he likes me he did it very lightly. O., seeing this and disapproving, told him to go back and do it again, harder this time, and so he did.


At 10/20/2006 10:41 AM , Blogger Nancy said...

From your blog title I thought your post was going to be homo-erotic.

Instead, it was just sad and depressing.

So sorry about your students. I'll hope for the best and that there will be a turn around in their development.

At 10/20/2006 10:32 PM , Blogger Mark said...

I just dont understand why the parents dont give these children names. Maybe the marking of a child by only one letter is a sign of future malfeasance.

At 10/24/2006 11:50 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I guess tears running down their faces is alot better than (a so what)attitude.Hope you can get your car fixed soon.

At 10/31/2006 6:16 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

why weren't they expelled?- that's ridiculous!

At 11/26/2006 12:15 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

And so now we're in the end of November, have they gone to court yet? Community service in their future? Should be, and they can come clean up some yards in my HOA!! :)


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