Monday, October 16, 2006

On the other hand...

On the one hand, teaching is full of moments that make me laugh and warm my soul.

When a student mistakenly said "pray heat the oven," well, that's just comic gold. So is the time when J. said that, because her mom had hit her little brother and left a mark, CPS had to come and take her brother to the "foster farm." Don't worry - he's back now and mom learned her lesson. But "foster farm"? That's brilliant.

On the other hand...

One of our 7th grade students keyed the cars of at least eight teachers on Friday, including mine.


At 10/16/2006 7:41 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am feeling really bad right now after reading your car was keyed - just how much damage did this kid do and what's going to happen to him? You are such a dedicated and caring teacher - you certainly didn't deserve to have your personal property defaced by an angry student! I am so sorry!

At 10/17/2006 9:12 AM , Blogger Nancy said...

I am sorry that happened, Darron.

It's a good thing you have that $6,000 insurance.


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