Monday, October 31, 2005

Happy Halloween!

So it's Halloween, and you know what that means...

Oh - you don't? Well, Halloween is a time for wanton revelry, taking delight in disguising yourself as something you're not (which is something, truth be told and if we're honest about it, a lot of people do EVERY day).

I'm sitting here at my house, waiting for more trick-or-treaters to come by, and just idly blogging, and my thoughts turn to costumes. I think the most creative one I've had tonight was a girl wearing a Survivor: Guatemala buff on her head with a bloody t-shirt - a dead survivor. Very clever.

What else can I do that's clever? Well, a couple of you have essentially requested that I post altered photos of Mark a la what I did a couple of blogs ago. Even Mark himself said that he was surprised I didn't post photos of him. So by popular request, I will play God with Mark's ethnicity.

What I am about to do, I do as a service to you, my loyal prez2012 blog readers. May heaven have mercy on my soul.


At 11/01/2005 10:51 PM , Blogger Mark said...


God...the monkey one looks too natural.

I could totally go for a banana right now.

At 11/02/2005 12:10 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

like your chimp face!!


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