Sunday, October 23, 2005

Parallel universes

Ok, so this is ample evidence that I don't always use my time super wisely. I found this really cool web site that allows you to upload an image of yourself and morph your face in a variety of different ways. I then spent time grabbing the images, saving them as jpegs, and uploading them to my blog for you, my noble readers. Never mind the 80 math tests and 75 writing projects I need to grade.

Here are my favorites:

This is the original, unaltered image. You might recognize it from the world famous Maui photos collection.

Awww, sooo cute! Well, actually, no. In fact, I was a much cuter kid than this photo would suggest. Really.
Old, but still sexy.

Do it yourself. Go to:


At 10/25/2005 9:59 AM , Blogger Mark said...

I am actually shocked (and awed) that you used YOUR face and not mine to do that. I would have totally used your face on my blog.

At 10/26/2005 6:35 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

This was a trip (did I just date myself?) - totally bizarre! However, I have to admit that the picture of you as a child does actually resemble how you looked in elementary school. I think you should have used Mark's face for the "half chimp" morph - I could use a good laugh! Thanks for the blog - its been much too long since we heard from you!


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