Tuesday, October 04, 2005

The 100th blog

Woo hoo! This is my 100th blog.

Now I can cross out "Blogging" from my list of "Things I Haven't Done At Least 100 Times."

Does anyone else think it is kind of strange that President Bush has nominated Harriet Miers for the Supreme Court and she has absolutely NO EXPERIENCE AS A JUDGE???

Didn't Bush learn his lesson from appointing Michael Brown as FEMA director? Brown, as you know, was the commissioner of the International Arabian Horse Association, for god's sake!

As for me, I'd like to have a nominee with some actual judicial experience, who has a real record with real evidence (not just Bush's 10 years of experience with her and his gut feeling that she'll be a good judge) to "judge" whether or not she's qualified to sit on the highest court in the land.


At 10/15/2005 3:07 PM , Blogger Mark said...

You hit 100 then stopped. Bastardito!


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