Thursday, January 18, 2007

GarfieldSpace, Issue 2

It seems like it's been forever, absolutely FOREVER since I've been able to publish a blog. Blogger has had technical difficulties with my host provider for the last week and a half or so, making it impossible for me to publish anything. I chatted online with tech support, I wrote several emails, and I even called in, but with no success. Finally, after these several attempts and the attempts of many other people who were in the same boat, Blogger finally recognized that there was a problem on their end and, hopefully, they got it fixed.

So much has happened. But I'll start small.

The new issue of GarfieldSpace came out in December. Rather than being as "newsy" as the first issue, this was more of a literary journal for kids to read over the vacation. The next issue, which focuses on school improvement, will be out within the next two weeks. Initially, my hope was that we'd be pumping out issues every two weeks, but it's really amazing how long it takes to put together. You have to brainstorm stories, assign stories, get kids to actually write the stories, make the kids improve the stories, take photos, find appropriate graphics, type everything up, do the layout and formatting, print them and staple them, and then distribute them. It's quite an ordeal. Unfortunately, the last issue came out the week Pam was up here visiting, so she got to spend a few precious nights watching me stay up until all hours using Adobe InDesign. Thanks for being so understanding, baby!

So you can get the latest issue in PDF format here or, if your browser is lame and can't load it automatically, try right clicking and downloading it directly from here.


At 1/18/2007 6:58 AM , Blogger Mark said...

But I want to be the baby.

At 1/18/2007 5:37 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad you are back, happy New Year Darron! We missed you far away in Canada.

Blogger is indeed buggy these days, I am trying to figure out how to switch to something else and keep my old posts.

Keep blogging!

At 1/21/2007 6:22 PM , Blogger prez said...

Nancy - what have you looked into? I'm thinking about WordPress...


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