Thursday, February 16, 2006

Who needs sleep?

I fell asleep on the couch somewhere around 9 o'clock. And then I woke up around 1:00. And I'm still awake. So why not blog?

I found an interesting site. Go here and click on 5 or 6 words that you think best describe me. It's called a Johari Window and it aids in personality awareness. And if there's one thing I need, it's to be more aware of my own personality (that's tongue in cheek, by the way).

Bill O'Reilly update: I haven't been contacted yet. Are you man enough to go toe to toe with me, Bill? (that's a shameless attempt to provoke his gigantic ego enough to invite me on the show) I put on my contest entry, so maybe his staffers will check out my blog.

Have you seen the three contest "winners" so far? One was ok, two were pretty lame. You can view their video clips here in the "Bloviating with Bill" contest window. I think I could do better.


At 2/17/2006 2:12 PM , Blogger Mark said...

I used the Johari Window in a paper for graduate school.

I think I am frightened of your "Hidden Self" Darron.


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