Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Prez on The O'Reilly Factor?

I've entered another contest, this time without Mark. It's a competition to win a chance to debate Bill O'Reilly on Fox News Channel's The O'Reilly Factor.

To enter, I had to write about the topic I'd want to debate and my own opinion AND somehow persuade them to pick me, in just 100 words or less. This is what I wrote. The second stage is a phone interview, so hopefully they find me compelling.

The latest issue of Time magazine says that the majority of Americans think illegal immigration is a significant problem. I would argue that illegal immigration is not a problem but has been a huge net benefit to our country. Our porous border, however, IS a problem, for security reasons related to terrorism. I would support an amnesty for illegal immigrants already here coupled with strong, airtight border enforcement to prevent future illegal crossings.

I'm a 5th grade public school teacher. I want to be President. AND I look great on TV.

I'm also the reigning national IM co-champion:


At 2/09/2006 7:12 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Illegal immigration is a hot topic across the nation right now! Your position on the subject is definitely worth a discussion with O'Reilly! Let me know how the phone interview goes - I predict a television appearance in the near future!

At 3/08/2006 10:47 PM , Blogger Mark said...

Let this go to show that you cannot win a contest without my help!



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