Thursday, December 04, 2008

In Memory of a Good Friend

In 2004, my friend Bryan James died after a six month battle with synovial sarcoma. In his memory, Josh and I are organizing a fundraiser, the "1st Annual Bryan James Memorial Dunk Ball Tournament" on December 20th. ("Dunk Ball" was our name for playing basketball on the court of a nearby elementary school where the rims were only 8.5 feet tall - thus, we could actually dunk. Bryan absolutely loved playing, so we thought it would be fitting.)

I know times are tough right now for many of us, but I'm writing to ask if you could spare any amount to donate in his memory. Your donations will help fund research to find a cure for the rare cancer that brought Bryan's life to an end when he was only 27.

To donate, please go to and write Bryan James in the "In Memory of" box.

And please, if you feel comfortable, forward this info on to your friends and families and ask them to donate, too.

If you're interested in playing in the basketball game, here's the Evite:


At 12/10/2008 8:47 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I commend you and Josh in organizing this fundraiser - what a great way to remember your friend! This is a perfect time of year to ask friends and family to donate to such a worthwhile cause. Best of luck and write a follow-up blog detailing the highlights of the tournament. (P.S. Yes, I did make a donation)

At 12/17/2008 12:34 PM , Blogger Lee M. said...

I came across your Dunk Ball Tournament via google and found the sarcoma site and this blog. If you guys are serious (which looks like you are) about making your memorial tournament an annual event, I'd love to get you on my website (it's purely for fun, not selling you anything!). We're up in Seattle and I have hosted tournaments for 10 years and found some other good guys in Vancouver over the web that I added to my site a few year ago. Let me know if you're down for it and I'll post all your tourney info on my website (we call it dunk hoops in the northwest). Awesome thing you guys are doing for your friend and the charity. The website gets people pumped about the tourneys and about the causes (we raise money for a scholarship fund). Hit me up with any questions or 425-941-5650. Good luck this Saturday, take it easy.

-Lee Martineau
Commissioner of Dunk Hoops

At 12/18/2008 9:05 AM , Blogger Mark said...

Why does no one from ever contact me?


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