Tuesday, May 22, 2007



At 5/23/2007 11:32 PM , Blogger FFB4MD said...

I agree with Geraldo that this case is a scapegoat for a larger problem. But if I threw a party and someone burned my house down by accident, my first reaction would be, "I didn't invite that guy to my house - what was he even doing here in the first place?" And I would be very bitter if I discovered that he had burned three other houses down before. I don't have strong opinions either way about illegal immigrants as a group, but the criminal ones don't belong here. We have a hard enough time policing our own vagrants.

At 5/25/2007 9:42 AM , Blogger Mark said...

I have new respect for Geraldo. I totally agree with looking at the crime and not who committed it.

As for having a party at a house, I think that is apples and oranges. People want/need to come to America...and in fact, have been taken in and given jobs (below market wages), and then are scapegoated when something goes wrong.

Coming from the perspective of a person who does have strong immigrant opinions...singling out the few that do something wrong and using that as a sample of "what is wrong with illegal immigration" pisses me off.

Geraldo, for one day, is my hero.


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