Monday, May 03, 2004


I am overextended. Don't worry - it's not a sports injury.

It's only Monday but I need a weekend. I need a weekend like Nicole Eggert needed her father's love and attention in Mark's favorite movie, Blown Away.

I've been up since 4 a.m. I had to finish preparing for a workshop I taught today on "techuity" (that would be technological equity, as in getting rid of the digital divide; "techuity" is my new tech buzz word) to present at our staff development day today. I rushed around all morning making the necessary copies, putting together the presentation using Apple's Keynote (far better than PowerPoint). At 8:30, the workshops began, and I darted off to my room during each short break to add one more bell, one more whistle. At lunch time, I had to frantically head over to another school to pick up 6 big boxes of soccer uniforms. Six boxes that, through some miracle of geometry, actually fit in my car. Then I rushed back to school just in time to do my presentation, nothing in my stomach other than the jar of spaghetti sauce I drank for dinner last night (appropriately enough, Newman's Own Vodka Sauce).

Some group reflections later, I finally returned home, only to face the nightmare that is the recruiting and organizing of these soccer teams. I still have one team without a coach, and their first game is this Wednesday! I've got over 100 soccer uniforms and 20 basketball uniforms to give out over the course of this week, 6 soccer team rosters to make, and I have to just hope and pray that all the information I send to teachers tomorrow (like "You didn't know this, but you have a game. Today. 30 minutes after school.") actually makes it into the hands of their students.

So now you see the appropriateness of this blog's title. I've already been awake 18 very stressful hours.

A former director of my school once told me that the state of one's physical surroundings are indicative of the state of one's mind. In my place right now, I've got grape jelly on my kitchen floor, I've got underwear air drying all over my living room because I still haven't gotten my dryer fixed, and half my bed is covered with soccer rosters and schedules. I am literally sleeping with my work. Symbolic?


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