Monday, April 26, 2004

We could so win this thing

My friend Mark (yes, of the world famous and I are entering the Yahoo! IM competition. There are several rounds of competition where we'll be judged by "qualified" people on whether or not our IMs are interesting. What makes someone qualified to judge something like that?

Anyway, if we make it to the finals, we have to IM for 3 hours a night for 6 days in full view of millions of, well, viewers. I'm sure THAT will mesh well with my work schedule. If people find us interesting, we could end up winning a trip to Hawaii (incidentally, the birthplace of The Casual Critics as well as the Smooth Operator).

On the application, we had to write about our hobbies, 5 adjectives our friends would use to describe us, 5 things we'd want to have on a desert island (Amber Brkich!), and a <100 word essay on why we're a "great IMer." So we're in the mix. Will the folks at Yahoo! realize what a gold mine two guys like us are? We could singlehandedly (doublehandedly?) change the Internet as we know it.

Just imagine.... we're in the finals, millions of people are watching us IM each other. The 3 T's (tanned, toned, tantalizing) could become part of our national lexicon. This is our year!


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