Thursday, October 07, 2004

Alarm? What alarm?

My normal wake-up time is around 6:00. Absolutely-must-get-up time is 6:30. But this morning I'm lying in bed with my eyes closed, just daydreaming (morningdreaming?) when I realize that I've been in a semi-awake state of consciousness for quite some time and maybe my alarm should have gone off by now. My eyes snap open and, sure enough, my clock says 7:39 (which, in real time, is 7:29; I'm one of those people that sets my clocks ahead).

So normally I'm out of the house at 7:30. Instead, I'm just stepping into the shower. And yet somehow, after a Monday and Tuesday and Wednesday of extremely frustrating teaching experiences, this hurried way of starting the day transitioned into a very productive, positive day with both of my classes. Go figure.

On another topic, I'm asking that you, my gentle readers, submit your ideas for 3 photos you'd like to see on my blog. I mean photos that I would take, not just random photos off the internet. Like, for example, a photo of the receipt for toothbrush replacements that's been sitting on the top of my toilet for the last two years. Or a photo of the guy in my guitar class who forgot to bring his guitar to class TWICE. It's an idea I got from the blogger home page. Sounds like fun to me. So click on comments and post your ideas. I'll pick the most interesting (and possible) ones and snap away.


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